Deferral of interests payment date
Buenos Aires, July 24, 2020. Pampa Energía S.A. (‘Pampa’ or the ‘Company’; NYSE: PAM; ByMA: PAMP) informs the bondholders of Series I Corporate Bonds issued in 2017 for US$750 million, maturing in 2027 with an interest rate of 7.5% (the ‘2027 CBs’) that due to the same reasons informed in the release dated July 21, 2020 regarding the Series T Corporate Bonds maturing in 2023 (the ‘2023 CBs’), the Company will pay the seventh interest period for a total amount of US$28.1 million (the ‘Interest Payment’) within the 30-day grace period, according to the terms and conditions stipulated in the Indenture that governs the 2027 CBs.
Regarding the new dates of interests payment for the 2023 CBs as well as the 2027 CBs, both will be duly informed by the Company through the corresponding payment notice.
We reaffirm that the aforementioned deferral does not constitute an event of default for the 2027 CBs according to its terms and conditions, given that the Company will proceed with the payment within the grace period established in the Indenture that governs the 2027 CBs.
For further information, please contact:
Gustavo Mariani – CEO
Gabriel Cohen – CFO
Lida Wang – Investor relations and sustainability officer
The Pampa Energía Building
Maipú 1, (C1084ABA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 (11) 4344 6000