Inauguration of the 1st Wind Farm & Construction of New Farms


Buenos Aires, May 24, 2018. Pampa Energía S.A. (‘Pampa’ or the ‘Company’; NYSE: PAM; BASE: PAMP) informs that yesterday was held the inauguration of its first Wind Farm named Engineer Mario Cebreiro (‘PEMC’), which given the technology and size, it is also the first project to reach such milestone under Renovar 1 program.

The opening counted on the presence of President of Argentina Mauricio Macri, the Minister of Energy and Mining (‘MEyM’) Juan José Aranguren, the mayor of Bahía Blanca Héctor Gay, as well as all Pampa’s management, among other authorities and special guests.

The PEMC project consisted in the building and installation of 29 Vestas wind generators, with 87 meters of altitude and three spades with a diameter of 126 meters driving the turbine, all located at Corti, 20 km away from Bahía Blanca city, in the province of Buenos Aires. The PEMC will contribute to the national grid 100 MW of renewable energy and required a total investment of US$139 million. It is worth highlighting that the launching of PEMC was achieved before the originally estimated dates.

Moreover, under MEyM Resolution No. 281-E/2017, which regulates the Term Market for Renewable Energy (‘MAT ER’), the Company was granted by CAMMESA the dispatch priority for three new projects, which production will be destined to fulfill large electricity consumption users through private power purchase agreements. Two out of the three projects, Pampa Energía II Wind Farm (‘PEPE II’) and Pampa Energía III Wind Farm (‘PEPE III’) each 53 MW of installed capacity, already began construction stage and the Company estimates its commissioning by second quarter of next year, requesting approximately US$135 million of investment. PEPE II is located nearby PEMC, and PEPE III is placed in Coronel Rosales, 25 km away from Bahía Blanca city. The third project will be Pampa Energía IV Wind Farm (‘PEPE IV’), located at Las Armas area, Maipú, Province of Buenos Aires. PEPE IV will additionally contribute 50 MW of gross capacity through estimated US$74 million of investment and commissioning by fourth quarter of 2019.

The 156 MW under construction, in addition to the newly inaugurated PEMC, adds up as of today 256 MW of renewable sources developed in Pampa. Moreover, with this new operating addition Pampa has 11 power plants, 3.9 GW of current installed capacity, but totaling 4.4 GW of capacity once all 554 MW of committed expansion projects begin operations.

Inauguration speech

Wind farm’s aerial view


For more information, please contact:

Gustavo Mariani – Vice President
Ricardo Torres – Vice President
Mariano Batistella – Planning, Strategy and Affiliates Executive Director
Lida Wang – Investor Relations Officer

The Pampa Energía Building
Maipú 1, (C1084ABA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 (11) 4344 6000