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- Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance Report
The Board has drawn up the following report corresponding to the degree of application of the principles set out in the Code of Corporate Governance for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, under the CNV Rules (Section 1, Title I, Chapter I of Part IV), by the text restated in 2013, as amended by CNV General Res. No. 797/19.
i. The Company must be led by a professional and qualified Board of Directors, which will be in charge of laying the necessary foundations to guarantee the Company’s sustainable success. The Board is the guardian of the Company and all its shareholders’ interests.
ii. The Board will be responsible for determining and promoting the corporate culture and values. In its actions, the Board should ensure compliance with the highest standards of ethics and integrity based on the Company’s best interests.
iii. The Board will be responsible for pursuing a strategy inspired by the Company’s vision and mission, aligned with its values and culture. The Board will constructively engage with the management to ensure the proper development, execution, monitoring and modification of the Company’s strategy.
iv. The Board will exercise permanent control and supervision over the Company’s management, ensuring that it takes measures towards implementing the strategy and the business plan approved by the Board.
v. The Board will have the necessary mechanisms and policies to exercise its duties and those of its members efficiently and effectively.
1. The Board of Directors generates an ethical working culture and sets out the Company’s vision, mission and values. | |
The Code of Conduct approved by our Board sets out Pampa’s vision, mission and values and the conduct expected from the Company members in their daily activities and long-term decisions. The Code of Conduct reflects the values and encourages a strong commitment to honesty and transparency. It is also underpinned by respect for diversity, the community, and the environment, as well as working with excellence as a team(1). In addition, Pampa has an Ethics Committee, which mission is proactively ensuring respect for business ethics and integrity.
Moreover, Pampa has a policy against fraud, corruption and other irregularities, approved by the Board of Directors, which reaffirms transparency and ethics as essential behaviors to lead the Company’s business and achieve sustainable growth. This policy prohibits fraud, corruption in any form and any act of misconduct within the Company, complementing the principles and values defined in our Code of Conduct. As explained above, the Company applies the recommended practice. |
2. The Board of Directors sets the Company’s general strategy and approves the management’s strategic plan. In doing so, the Board takes into consideration environmental, social and corporate governance factors. The Board of Directors oversees its implementation using key performance indicators and considers the Company’s best interests and all its shareholders. | |
Regarding the Board of Directors, the Company applies the practice considering several indexes, factors, risks and projections analyzed by the management, as well as the environmental, social, health and safety aspects detailed in the Annual Sustainability Report. In line with Pampa’s strategy, it approves an annual budget guiding all the sectors’ activities in the following fiscal year. The Executive Financial and M&A Department develops and oversees compliance with the strategy and budget.
In this line, in January 2022, Pampa issued its first ‘Green Bond’(2) to fund the construction of PEPE IV. Also, in April 2023, the Company issued a second ‘Green Bond,’ in which proceeds were applied to the construction of PEPE VI. These issuances reflect the Board and the Company’s commitment to financing projects that positively impact the environment and diversify the country’s energy generation matrix. Moreover, they exemplify how the Board leverages several factors to guide its decisions, aligning them with the Company’s general strategy. |
3. The Board oversees the management and ensures that it develops, implements and maintains a proper internal control system with clear reporting lines. | |
The Company adopts the Integrated Internal Control Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (‘COSO Report’) to evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls that mitigate the risks threatening the reliability of accounting and financial information. In this sense, the Board approved Pampa’s organizational chart, which includes the following reporting lines:
Pampa also has an Audit Committee consisting exclusively of independent directors, who are responsible for supervising the internal control system. The Company applies the recommended practice since, at least quarterly, a report is submitted to the Board detailing relevant events and analyzing the main management indicators. This practice allows the Board to learn about the obtained results and assess the Company’s performance. Additionally, continuous Board-management interaction is encouraged, with members of different departments participating in Board meetings to address specific queries to ensure the Board’s effective monitoring of the objectives set for the year. Pampa values the interaction between the Board of Directors and the management (including the Board’s members exercising executive functions) as an enriching factor to control and understand performance. All the Board members’ preparation and professional credentials allow for an open and sincere discussion on management. Lastly, and as detailed in the different Practices set out in Appendix I to the Annual Report, Pampa implements various initiatives to guarantee a proper internal control environment, such as the Integrity Program (Practice 23), the Code of Conduct (Practices 1, 22 and 23), the Policy against Fraud, Corruption and other Irregularities (Practices 1 and 23), a whistleblower channel for reporting suspected misconduct (Practice 23), several Corporate Governance policies described throughout the Annual Report and this Appendix and the corporate risk management (Practice 17), among others. |
4. The Board of Directors designs the corporate governance structure and practices, appoints the responsible person for their implementation, monitors their efficiency, and suggests changes if necessary. | |
In line with best practices, the Board approves the various corporate governance policies applicable throughout the Company. Besides, as described in Practice 1, it monitors their implementation, adjusting them to the Company’s reality. In this sense, the Board periodically checks the existing policies, advising the Board to review, update and/or modify them. As a result, in recent years, the Board of Directors has approved and/or updated several policies, such as the Policy against Fraud, Corruption and other Irregularities, Best Security Trading Practices, Related-Party Transactions, Material Information Disclosure, Compensation, Nomination, Dividends and Integrated Management. On the other hand, it regularly monitors the Company’s Integrity Program.
In addition, in compliance with NYSE regulations, on November 8, 2023, the Board of Directors approved its Clawback Policy. The policy describes the circumstances under which Pampa will recover erroneously awarded compensation and the applicable procedure, all per the Standards for Recovery under Section 10D of the Exchange Act and any applicable rules or standards adopted by the SEC. Lastly, the Board analyzes whether specific committees are needed to apply different policies. If it determines that a particular committee is not necessary, the Board delegates its application, monitoring, and review to the area in which it feels competent to such effect. In the way detailed, the Company applies the recommended practice. |
5. The Board’s members have enough time to exercise their duties professionally and efficiently. The Board and its Committees have clear and formalized rules for their operation and organization, which are disclosed on the Company’s website. | |
Board members’ dedication to tracking issues submitted for their approval, follow-up and monitoring, and receiving information before meetings to facilitate efficient decision-making reflect the Company’s application of good corporate governance practices. Likewise, the participation of certain directors in executive functions provides daily contact in its administration, leveraging understanding and monitoring of daily operations.
Regarding Board members’ professionalism, as established in our Nomination Policy, the evaluation of candidates to be presented to the Shareholders’ Meeting takes into consideration criteria such as independence, diversity, age, skills, experience, knowledge of the Company’s business and industry, and possible incompatibilities to guarantee the Board’s diversity. Moreover, the Board and its Committees (the Audit, Compensation and Nomination Committees) have their respective internal rules governing their functioning, which are available on our website. These rules mainly describe matters concerning the directors’ powers and responsibilities and the holding of meetings. The Company applies the recommended practice in the way described above. |
vi. The Board’s Chair oversees compliance with the Board’s duties and leads its members. It should generate a positive working dynamic, promote constructive engagement by its members, and ensure that the members have the elements and information necessary for decision-making. This also applies to the committees’ Chairs regarding their functions.
vii. The Board’s Chair will lead processes and establish structures seeking Board members’ commitment, objectivity and competence, and the best possible performance of the body as a whole and its evolution according to the Company’s needs.
viii. The Board’s Chair will ensure that the entire Board of Directors is engaged in and responsible for the General Manager’s succession.
6. The Board of Directors’ Chair is responsible for the proper organization of Board meetings, prepares the agenda ensuring collaboration by the other members, and guarantees that they receive the necessary materials with enough time to participate in meetings in an efficient and well-informed manner. Each Committee’s Chair has the same responsibilities for their meetings. | |
The Company applies the recommended practice as it has a corporate secretary under the Board of Directors’ Rules and Regulations published on our website. It schedules and coordinates the meetings of the Board and its different Committees within its scope. These meetings are convened as per the provisions of each applicable regulation, and the necessary documentation is attached so that directors may analyze the topics to be addressed in advance. This process is always carried out under the supervision of the Board’s Chair and the respective Committees(3). | |
7. The Board of Directors’ Chair ensures the board’s proper internal functioning by implementing formal annual assessment processes. | |
Annually, Pampa’s Board performs a self-assessment questionnaire, enabling analysis and evaluation of its performance and management. Each director completes this self-assessment, which the Legal Affairs Executive Department analyzes. Based on the results, and if necessary, this department proposes measures to improve the body’s performance. This process allows for the evaluation the Board’s proper internal functioning, thus applying the recommended practice. | |
8. The Chair generates a positive and constructive work environment for all the Board members and ensures they receive ongoing training to stay permanently updated and enabled to exercise their duties properly. | |
The Company follows the practice as described below. The Chair leads the Board of Directors’ meetings, ensuring its orderly progress, facilitating its proper development, and coordinating the body’s correct functioning through the Board’s corporate secretary. In the Chair’s absence, meetings are presided over by the Vice-chair or any other Board member if both are absent. Meetings are convened within the terms established in the body’s regulations to guarantee that the Board members have access to the information and enough time to analyze it.
Besides, directors serving executive functions are in permanent contact with Pampa’s different areas and their daily management, providing them with a comprehensive vision of the business and constant updates on relevant issues. In Board meetings, members of the different departments are invited so that they may answer queries on specific topics, thus ensuring monitoring and follow-up of the goals set for the fiscal year. This update extends to independent directors who are members of the Audit Committee, also within the scope of this body. The Company implemented a continuous training process for the Company’s Board members in different key areas to properly exercise their duties. In this sense, during fiscal year 2023, several training activities on Oil and Gas Reserves and Cybersecurity —key issues for the Company’s development— were conducted within the scope of the Audit Committee, inviting all Board and Supervisory Committee members. This process will continue in fiscal year 2024. |
9. The Corporate Secretary’s Office supports the Board’s Chair in its administration and assists in communications among shareholders, the Board and the management. | |
Pampa applies the recommended practice as it has a Board of Directors’ corporate secretary within the scope of the Legal Affairs Executive Department, which main duties are as follows: (i) coordinating the agendas for Board meetings jointly with the Board’s Chair and the other members, as well as with the management, ensuring that the Board may address critical social performance issues; (ii) organizing the advance preparation and submittal of the required information for Board meetings; (iii) coordinating the drawing up, dissemination and approval of the meetings’ minutes; (iv) facilitating communication among Board members, the management and their counselors; (v) filing the Board meetings’ documentation; (vi) performing the same functions for the other Company Committees created within the Board’s scope; (vii) coordinating Shareholders’ Meetings, the shareholders’ registry and the participation of directors in the meetings; (viii) preparing, updating and sending the onboarding program for the new Board members; and (ix) performing all administrative procedures associated with the Board of Directors, the Committees, and the Shareholders’ Meeting. Thus, the Board’s Chair may supervise these functions without losing focus on its primary role. | |
10. The Board’s Chair ensures participation by all its members in developing and approving a succession plan for the Company’s General Manager. | |
Even though there is no specific plan regulating its succession line, the Company applies this practice and its respective principles since the Board has considered the organizational structure and appointed its CEO and CFO. To such effect, it has assessed the potential candidates’ personal and professional qualifications. It is worth highlighting that the Board Chair’s role differs from that of the CEO. In this sense, the Board’s Chair, jointly with the Human Resources department, establishes, in alignment with the Company’s mission, vision and values, the characteristics and values required of the CEO’s successor. Currently, a succession plan is not deemed necessary. |
ix. The Board of Directors should have adequate independence and diversity levels to decide in the Company’s best interests, avoiding group thinking and decision-making by dominant individuals or groups.
x. The Board of Directors should guarantee that the Company has formal procedures for the proposal and nomination of candidates to hold positions within the Board under a succession plan.
11. The Board of Directors has at least two members with an independent status according to the current criteria established by the CNV. | |
The Company applies the recommended practice since, as of the issuance of the Annual Report, the Board of Directors has three independent directors and two independent alternate directors(4). Moreover, as mentioned in Practice 3, the Audit Committee consists exclusively of independent members, exceeding the local regulations’ requirements, which only provide for most members. | |
12. The Company has a Nomination Committee consisting of at least three members and presided over by an independent director. If chairing the Nomination Committee, the Board’s Chair will refrain from participating in the discussions for their own successor’s appointment. | |
Pampa’s Board of Directors approved its Nomination Policy, under which a Nomination Committee was created to assist Pampa’s Board and Shareholders’ Meeting in the Board members’ nomination and appointment process.
This committee reports to Pampa’s Board and comprises three regular members and an equal or smaller number of alternate members. The Chair is independent according to the CNV rules. Therefore, the Company applies the recommended practice. |
13. Through the Nomination Committee, the Board of Directors develops a succession plan for its members, guiding the candidates’ pre-screening process for filling vacancies. It considers the non-binding recommendations made by its members, General Manager and shareholders. | |
Pampa’s Board approved the Nomination Policy detailed in the previous practice, which sets the general guidelines regarding independence, incompatibilities and diversity among Board members. Under this policy, a Committee was created to describe the nominees’ identification and evaluation process and assist the Board and shareholders so that they may have all the necessary elements to select nominees at the Shareholders’ Meeting in compliance with the applicable legal provisions and particularly, section 12 of Pampa’s Bylaws. This section establishes the selection method for directors elected upon candidate lists, thus ensuring greater transparency in the process.
Moreover, this Committee performs a prior and non-binding assessment of the candidates the Board has deemed fit to cover vacant positions. The Committee considers factors such as independence, diversity, age, skills and experience, among others, to determine their suitability based on objective criteria and within an equal opportunity framework. As of this date, the Company’s Board is comprised of members with diverse professions, such as degrees in economics and business administration, financial advisors, engineers, and lawyers, among others. Of the 16 directors, 8 are women (3 regular and 5 alternate). All directors receive the same compensation, thus ensuring diversity and a culture of inclusion, advancing analysis, discussion and fair decision-making. In the way described, the Company applies the recommended practice. |
14. The Board of Directors implements an onboarding program for its newly elected members. | |
The Company applies the recommended practice since the Board, through its Corporate Secretary, provides new members with an onboarding program that includes a general overview of the Company and its main corporate bodies, corporate governance practices, Code of Conduct, and main policies. In addition, they are provided with the necessary documentation and information to perform their duties. New members are added to the Board of Directors’ distribution list to have the essential documentation before their first participation in a Board meeting. Finally, meetings are coordinated with leaders of each area, allowing new members to dispel their doubts and become acquainted with the Company’s business. Pampa’s managers are available to provide answers and supplement all the information the directors may require within the framework of permanent interaction set out in Practice 8 in Appendix I of this Annual Report. |
xi. The Board should generate incentives through compensation to align the management —led by the General Manager— and the Board with the Company’s long-term interests so that all directors may comply with their obligations towards shareholders equitably.
15. The Company has a Compensation Committee consisting of at least three members, independent or non-executive. | |
Following our Compensation Policy, Pampa has a Compensation Committee assisting it and/or the Shareholders’ Meeting in Board compensation matters and preparing and monitoring policies and/or compensation plans and/or benefits for Board members. This policy establishes that the remuneration of the Board’s members should be proportionate to that collected in domestic peer companies.
The Compensation Committee, which reports to Pampa’s Board, comprises three regular members and an equal or smaller number of alternate members, who may not serve executive functions at Pampa. Currently, all its members are independent. In the way described, the Company applies the recommended practice. |
16. Through the Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors establishes a compensation policy for the General Manager and the Board of Directors’ members. | |
Pampa applies the recommended practice since it has a Compensation Policy that provides that the Compensation Committee should render its prior opinion so that directors’ compensation is in line with that received by domestic peers’ directors and per the applicable laws and the CNV rules. The committee’s opinion is reported to the Board of Directors and the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Pampa’s policy on compensation and benefits seeks to ensure external competitiveness and maintain in-house equality. In this line, different surveys are used to adjust our benefit packages and wage structure according to market offers. Regarding senior management, including Pampa’s CEO and key staff, in 2017, the Board approved variable compensation plans to align their performance with the Company’s strategic plans and establish a clear and direct link between shareholder value creation and these officers’ compensation. |
xii. The Board of Directors should ensure a controlled environment consisting of internal controls developed by the management, internal audits, risk management, regulatory compliance areas, and external audits that establish the necessary defense lines to guarantee integrity in the Company’s operations and financial reports.
xiii. The Board should ensure a comprehensive risk management system, allowing the management and Board to direct the Company toward its strategic goals efficiently.
xiv. The Board should ensure there is a person or department (according to the business size and complexity, the nature of its operations and the risks it faces) responsible for the Company’s internal audit. This audit, aimed to evaluate and audit the Company’s internal controls, corporate governance processes, and risk management, should be independent, objective, and have clearly defined reporting lines.
xv. The Board’s Audit Committee will comprise qualified and highly experienced members and should exercise its functions transparently and independently.
xvi. The Board should establish appropriate procedures to ensure the external auditors’ independent and effective performance.
17. The Board of Directors determines the Company’s appetite for risk and supervises and guarantees the existence of a comprehensive risk management system identifying, assessing, and making decisions on the course of action, and monitoring the risks faced by the Company, including, but not limited to, environmental and social risks, as well as those inherent in the business in the short and long term. | |
Pampa implemented a risk management methodology to identify the main risks affecting Pampa. The Board of Directors initially approved the ‘Risk Management Handbook,’ which was later updated and restated as the ‘Risk Management Policy.’
This Policy establishes responsibilities, functions, and methodologies to detect and assess strategic risks affecting Pampa’s businesses and operations. The administration department updates Pampa’s strategic risk map based on the administered businesses. The Policy establishes responsibilities and methodologies for risk determination with the Audit Committee’s assistance, which is responsible for overseeing its application. The main critical risk factors taken into consideration for Pampa’s analysis include:
The administration department is responsible for including the necessary tests to detect risk indicators and signals in its annual programs, monitor the process’ effectiveness and ensure control and compliance with this policy. In addition, it reports to Senior Management and the Audit Committee on the risk management process and follows up on implementing corrective action plans. Moreover, the administration management endeavors to keep the risk matrices updated, assisting in risk identification and assessment and the follow-up of the derived action plans, keeping the Management and the Audit Committee informed. The Company discloses the performed financial risk management in its FS, distinguishing by type of risk and describing the strategies or actions to mitigate them. Additionally, when preparing and submitting the 20-F Form before the SEC, it describes the risk factors to which Pampa is exposed. In the way described, Pampa applies this practice. |
18. The Board monitors and reviews the independent internal audit’s effectiveness and guarantees the resources for implementing an annual risk-based audit plan and a direct reporting line to the Audit Committee. | |
Pampa applies the recommended practice since the internal audit department reports functionally to the Audit Committee and administratively to the CEO.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, the internal audit area submits its proposed annual work plan to the Audit Committee for its review and approval, including the necessary resources for its implementation. The Internal Audit Department submits a quarterly progress report to the Committee, detailing the progress, work performed, and most relevant findings. Annually, the Audit Committee evaluates the Internal Audit’s independence and performance in its competence areas, reflecting its conclusions in its annual report. |
19. The internal auditor or the members of the Internal Audit department are independent and highly qualified. | |
The Company applies the recommended practice since, as mentioned in Practice 18, its Internal Audit Department reports directly to the Audit Committee, which evaluates its independence annually.
Pampa’s Internal Audit Department is composed of highly skilled professionals because of their education and training and their experience in the area. This department has rules that align with the best practices and standards suggested by The Institute of Internal Auditors. To fulfill its functions, the Internal Audit Department has full and unrestricted access to the Company’s records, files, documents, assets, employees and teammates with no time or manner restrictions. It can audit autonomously at any level of the organization, including management levels. |
20. The Board of Directors has an Audit Committee in place which acts based on its rules. The Committee is mainly composed of and is chaired by independent directors and does not include the General Manager. Most of its members have professional experience in financial and accounting areas. | |
Pampa applies the recommended practice since it has an Audit Committee acting based on its rules, which establish its functions and operating rules. As mentioned in Practice 3, the Committee is composed entirely of independent members, thus exceeding local requirements, which only require an independent majority. Its duties include: (i) expressing its opinion on the Board’s proposal to appoint external auditors and ensuring their independence, reviewing the external and internal auditors’ plans and assessing their performance, issuing an opinion at the time of presentation of the annual FS; (ii) supervising the internal control system and risk management; (iii) rendering its opinion on related-party transactions for a relevant amount, disclosed to the market under the legal regulations in force; (iv) expressing its opinion on the compensation proposals submitted by the Board; (v) rendering its opinion on the conditions for the issuance of shares or convertible securities in the case of a capital increase; and (vi) checking compliance with the applicable standards of conduct.
The Board of Directors seeks to ensure that most Audit Committee members have professional financial and/or accounting expertise, an aspect to be assessed when nominating new Board members and considered by the Nomination Committee in its prior opinion. Moreover, the Audit Committee should appoint one of its members as a financial expert, as Title 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Law requires. |
21. With the Audit Committee’s view, the Board of Directors approves a policy for selecting and monitoring external auditors establishing the indicators to consider when submitting to the Shareholders’ Meeting a recommendation on the re-election or substitution of the external auditor. | |
Upon the presentation and publication of Pampa’s FS, the Audit Committee assesses the external auditor’s independence, planning and performance. This assessment considers several objective indicators, such as the overall quality of presentations to the Audit Committee, presentation of key audit issues, use of technology, prompt response to audit-related services, and experience in the industry and the profession, among others. Under Sect. 18, Title V, Chapter III of the CNV Rules (restated in 2013) and the Audit Committee’s internal rules, an informed opinion is issued in this regard.
Throughout the year, the Committee holds quarterly meetings with the external auditors, coinciding with the review of the Company’s quarterly FS and whenever it deems necessary. Moreover, Pampa has an external auditor services pre-approval policy, which standardizes an internal process allowing the Audit Committee to grant prior approval to hiring the external auditor to render any authorized service to the Company or its subsidiaries. In this way, the Company applies this practice. |
xvii. The Board should design and establish appropriate structures and practices to promote a culture of ethics, integrity and regulatory compliance that prevents, spots and addresses serious personal or corporate misconduct.
xviii. The Board will ensure the establishment of formal mechanisms to prevent or, failing that, deal with conflicts of interest that may arise in the Company’s administration and management. It should have standard procedures to ensure that related-party transactions are conducted to pursue the company’s best interests and fair treatment to all its shareholders.
22. The Board of Directors approves a Code of Ethics and Conduct reflecting ethical and integrity values and principles and the Company’s culture. The Code of Ethics and Conduct is informed to and binding on all the Company’s directors, managers and employees. | |
Pampa has a Code of Conduct that serves as a guide for making honest decisions in our daily activities, defining how we pursue our challenges and establishing fundamental principles to ensure a service of excellence for our customers and build relationships with suppliers, teammates, shareholders, authorities, intermediate organizations and the community at large.
The Code of Conduct is available on Pampa’s website and must be expressly accepted by all the Company employees and Pampa’s Board and Supervisory Committee members. Therefore, the Company applies this recommended practice. |
23. The Board establishes and periodically reviews an Ethics and Integrity Program based on risks, dimension and financial capacity. The plan is visibly and unequivocally supported by the management with the appointment of an in-house officer responsible for the development, coordination, supervision and periodical assessment of the program’s effectiveness. The program provides for (i) periodic training for directors, managers and employees on ethics, integrity and compliance issues; (ii) internal channels for reporting anomalies, which are open to third parties and adequately communicated; (iii) a policy against retaliation protecting individuals who report a complaint; and an internal investigation system which respects the rights of the individuals under investigation and imposes effective sanctions for violations to the Code of Ethics and Conduct; (iv) policies on integrity in bidding processes; (v) mechanisms for the Program’s periodic risk analysis, monitoring and assessment; and (vi) procedures ensuring the integrity and background of third parties and business associates (including the due diligence for the verification of irregularities, illegal acts or the existence of vulnerabilities in corporate transformation and acquisition processes), including suppliers, distributors, service providers, agents and brokers. | |
Pampa applies the recommended practice through its Integrity Program, which unifies internal actions, mechanisms and procedures to promote integrity and prevent, detect and correct possible irregularities and illegal acts. This Program has been designed following the mandatory and optional requirements provided in Sect. 22 and 23 of Law No. 27,401 and other applicable regulations.
The Board has defined that Pampa’s internal audit department will be internally responsible for leading, developing, coordinating and supervising the Program. Available mechanisms include the Ethics Hotline, an exclusive channel to report any suspected misconduct or breach of the Code of Conduct on a strictly confidential basis. This channel is available through different means (toll-free telephone line, chat, e-mail and website) and is operated by an external provider to ensure information transparency and integrity. Additionally, the Company has policies and procedures describing the process for analyzing and handling received complaints. In this regard, on November 19, 2023, the Audit Committee approved an update of the Procedure for Handling Complaints. The channel’s responsibility rests with the Audit Committee, which delegates its management to the Internal Audit Department. Internal Audit submits quarterly reports to the Audit Committee on cases received and resolutions adopted, and the Committee oversees the channel’s operation and the resolution of complaints in issues within its authority. Pampa also has policies to support the Program, including:
These provisions, together with the Code of Conduct, include clauses on the obligation to report any actual or suspected violation of laws and/or regulations, as well as the prohibition of retaliation against anyone filing a report, legitimately and in good faith, or refusing to participate in acts of corruption. In fiscal year 2023, the Company carried out different dissemination and awareness-raising actions on the Program’s contents targeted at all employees. |
24. The Board ensures the existence of formal mechanisms to prevent and address conflicts of interest. In related-party transactions, the Board approves a policy that establishes each corporate body’s role and defines how to identify, manage, and disclose transactions that are detrimental to the company or only to certain investors. | |
The Code of Conduct’s guidelines establish that all individuals within its scope should avoid conflicts of interest. There is a conflict of interest whenever personal interests interfere or appear to interfere (either directly or indirectly) with responsibilities to Pampa, conditioning (or appearing to condition) the objectivity of each member’s decisions. These guidelines are developed in the Conflicts of Interest Policy, which defines what Pampa considers a conflict of interest and describes the steps to take if a Company member is involved in this kind of situation to guarantee compliance with the law and with our Code of Conduct and Policy Against Fraud, Corruption and Other Irregularities.
Pampa also has a Policy on Related-Party Transactions that provides that all high-value transactions, i.e., for an amount equal to or higher than 1% of Pampa’s shareholders’ equity, involving individuals and/or legal entities considered related parties under Sect. 72 of the CMA should be subject to a specific prior authorization and control procedure. The procedure is carried out under the coordination of Pampa’s executive legal department and involves both Pampa’s Board of Directors and Audit Committee (as applicable). This policy strictly follows the guidelines set out in the current regulations in force (Sect. 72 of the CMA). Pampa discloses itemized information on contracts executed with related parties in its annual and interim FS in compliance with these regulations. Additionally, all high-value transactions with related parties are submitted to the Audit Committee’s consideration and promptly reported under the caption ‘relevant event’ to both the CNV and the markets where Pampa is listed. Finally, among its responsibilities, the Audit Committee must provide the market with complete information on transactions that may generate a conflict of interest with members of the corporate bodies or controlling shareholders. It also renders a well-founded opinion on related-party transactions in the cases provided by legislation and, in compliance with the law, issues communications whenever there may be an alleged conflict of interest at Pampa. Moreover, when the Board must address an issue where a director may have a personal interest, that director is prevented from voting. In the way described, the Company applies this practice. |
xix. The Company should give equal treatment to all its shareholders. It should guarantee equal access to non-confidential information relevant to decision-making at the Company’s Shareholders’ Meetings.
xx. The Company should promote active involvement by all shareholders based on appropriate information, especially regarding the Board’s composition.
xxi. The Company should have a transparent Dividend Distribution Policy aligned with the strategy.
xxii. The Company should take into consideration the interests of its stakeholders.
25. The Company’s website discloses financial and non-financial information, providing timely and equal access to all investors. The website has a specialized area to address investors’ inquiries. | |
Pampa applies the recommended practice as it has a website with a dedicated ‘Investors’ section that includes all types of relevant information (FS, filings before regulatory authorities including the SEC and the NYSE, relevant events, corporate governance policies, among others) for shareholders and the general investment community. The investor relations and sustainability department permanently update this site.
This website serves as an information repository and a channel for receiving and handling inquiries. The shareholder and investor relations team is responsible for dealing with these inquiries expertly. Additionally, the Company has a presence on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) to publish relevant information and interact with its followers. The company fosters communication and transparency through these platforms, thus applying the recommended practice. |
26. The Board should ensure a process to identify and classify its stakeholders and a communication channel for them. | |
At Pampa Energía, we believe proximity, transparency and cooperation are fundamental pillars to building and strengthening long-term relationships with our internal or external stakeholders. Following the guidelines offered by AA1000SES – Accountability, the last materiality assessment conducted in 2021, the Strategic Map and the Balanced Scoreboard, and GRI’s Oil and Gas Sector Standard, we have identified our main stakeholders based on accountability, influence, proximity, dependence and representation. The Company lists its main stakeholders in the Sustainability Report, published annually and available on our website, jointly with the communication channels where the dialog is maintained:
As our operations have a broad geographical scope and a high complexity, decentralization is also a characteristic of our key players’ identification and dialog process. Each asset maps its target audiences, needs and actions to achieve a positive social impact on local communities. Following the Strategic Map and Balanced Scorecard method, a process was developed to define priority stakeholders, map relevant topics, set relationship-building goals and intervention priorities, and implement concrete action plans for stakeholders. The project covered all the power generation assets in Buenos Aires, Bahía Blanca, Mendoza, Neuquén and Salta. In this way, we strengthen our sustainable management model by involving the assets’ teammates who make decisions at the local level, achieving a more efficient implementation of actions for a higher impact on the business and the community. In 2023, the process for identifying the material topics for the Sustainability Report was reviewed. We started from the results obtained in the last materiality survey conducted in 2021, where we recorded assessments by our stakeholders and experts consulted, with more than 500 responses and more than 350 comments, which allowed us to prioritize the most significant impacts to report. In addition, we conducted a comprehensive analysis to ensure completeness and avoid omitting any relevant topic. This analysis included the review of our Risk Map, trends in our industry, the material issues identified by the leading companies in the world and Argentina, and the material issues highlighted by international reporting standards such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). The investor relations and sustainability department referred all material topics and the main comments and opinions to the Company’s Board. In the way described, the Company applies the practice. |
27. Before a Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board submits —through a formal communication channel— a ‘provisional information package’ allowing shareholders to make non-binding comments and share dissenting opinions on the Board’s recommendations. The latter will expressly give its opinion on the received comments as it deems necessary. | |
When calling for a meeting, the Company’s Board formulates proposals for each item on the agenda, except in cases of possible conflicts of interest, where it will refrain from submitting a proposal. Any information supporting the topics to be addressed in the Shareholders’ Meetings is placed at the disposal of all shareholders well in advance so that they may perform their analysis and vote accordingly.
The shareholders and the general investment community may make the necessary inquiries through the formal channel mentioned in Practice 25. This allows shareholders to attend the Meeting with precise information, received well in advance, on the topics to be discussed. It is worth highlighting that Pampa provides the necessary means to maintain a permanent and fluid dialog with its shareholders, not only when calling for a Shareholders’ Meeting. In this sense, shareholders have at their disposal: (i) the communication channel described in Practice 25 in Appendix I of this Annual Report; (ii) the investor relations department, which receives and manages shareholders’ concerns; (iii) quarterly videoconferences to disclose results and interact with the management; and (iv) management and Board members’ attendance to the Shareholders’ Meeting, with the possibility of raising general management questions once the treatment of all formal items has concluded. In the way described, the Company applies the practice. |
28. The Company’s Bylaws contemplate that shareholders may receive the information packages for Shareholders’ Meetings through electronic means and participate in Shareholders’ Meetings virtually, allowing for the simultaneous transmission of sound, images and words, ensuring compliance with the principle of equal treatment to participants. | |
The Company places the proposals mentioned in the previous item at the disposal of shareholders and investors through the communication channels set by the regulatory bodies (ByMA, CNV, SEC) and the Company’s website, ri.pampa.com. Moreover, as previously mentioned, shareholders can maintain a permanent and fluid dialogue with the Company throughout the year. Besides, Section 30 of the Company’s Bylaws allows for holding Shareholders’ Meetings virtually with the simultaneous transmission of sound, images and words. Due to the above, the Company applies the recommended practice. | |
29. The Dividend Distribution Policy is aligned with the strategy and clearly establishes the criteria, frequency and conditions under which dividends will be distributed. | |
The Company has applied the recommended practice given that Pampa’s Board approved its Dividend Policy in 2018, which outlines the guidelines for adequately balancing distributed amounts and Pampa’s investment plans. Its purpose is to establish a clear, transparent, and consistent practice that allows shareholders to make informed decisions in line with the Company’s Bylaws and the applicable legal and regulatory framework in force. Based on this policy, the Board of Directors prudently assesses the possibility of paying dividends to Pampa’s shareholders within each fiscal year, analyzing the economic circumstances prevailing at the time with special attention. |
(1) For further information, see Practices 22 and 23 in this Corporate Governance Report.
(2) For further information, see Section 7.2 of the 2023 Annual Report.
(3) For further information, see Practice 9 in this Corporate Governance Report.
(4) Although Pampa’s shareholders’ meetings held on April 27, 2022 and December 27, 2022 appointed 5 independent directors and 5 independent alternate directors, on September 12, 2023 and November 29, 2023, Mr. Darío Epstein and Ms. María Renata Scafati, respectively, resigned from their positions as independent directors. Moreover, on November 22 and 29, 2023, Mmes. Diana Mondino and Emilse Juárez, respectively, resigned from their positions as alternate independent directors. These resignations were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at the meetings held on November 8, 2023, December 14, 2023 and January 4, 2024. Their replacements will be appointed at the next Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.