Suspension of the IX Share Buyback Program


Buenos Aires, June 7, 2021. Pampa Energía S.A. (‘Pampa’ or the ‘Company’; NYSE: PAM; ByMA: PAMP) informs that on the date hereof, the Board of Directors of Pampa resolved to suspend the share repurchase program approved on March 1, 2021, as the quote of Pampa’s shares and American Depositary Receipt (‘ADR’) reached values exceeding the repurchase cap.

Moreover, Pampa´s Board of Directors decided that, if the conditions previously approved in the share repurchase program is reestablished, it means that if the price per ADR is US$16 or lower and/or the price per share is AR$92.16 or lower, the share repurchase program will be automatically restored the next business day after this event.

As of May 11, 2021, Pampa’s outstanding capital stock amounts to 1,392,105,930 common shares or 55,684,237 ADRs equivalent, net of shares acquired directly and indirectly in treasury. For further information, see Ownership Breakdown and Buyback Programs.


For further information, please contact:

Gustavo Mariani – CEO
Gabriel Cohen – CFO
Lida Wang – IR and sustainability officer

The Pampa Energía Building
Maipú 1, (C1084ABA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 (11) 4344 6000