Ensenada Barragán Thermal Power Plant (‘CTEB’)

CTEB is located in Ensenada city, Greater La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires. It consists of two Siemens GT, of 285 MW and 284 MW each, commissioned in 2012 and repowered in 2023, and a Siemens 279 MW ST commissioned on February 22, 2023 for the closing to combined cycle, reaching a total 848 MW capacity, representing 1.9% of Argentina’s total installed capacity. This CT may consume natural gas or GO and has two storage tanks with a combined capacity of 45,000 m3. From 2013 to 2023, its historical average annual generation was 1,525 GWh, with a generation record high of 4,236 GWh in 2023 and a record low of 255 GWh in 2020. Currently, Pampa operates CTEB under a shared operation scheme together with YPF Luz, and we hold a 50% stake in the capital stock of CTBSA (CT Barragán S.A.), a company which only asset is CTEB.


The following chart shows certain relevant statistical data on CTEB:

2022 2023
Net Generation (GWh) 948 4,236
Purchases of Energy (GWh)
Total Energy Sales (GWh) 948 4,236


Technical Data

Plant Unit Installed Capacity (MW) Efficiency Fuel Start-Up Type of Unit
CTEB EBARTG01 284 848 55% Natural gas or gas oil 2012 Gas turbine
EBARTG02 284
EBARTV01 281 Steam 2023 Steam turbine (combined cycle)